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Best Time Of Day To Exercise, For Men And Women>

Best Time Of Day To Exercise, For Men And Women

It has long been known...

How To Biohack Your Oral Microbiome

You’ve probably heard about microbiomes in terms of gut health, but they...

Practical Tips For Recovering From Trauma

Trauma can be defined as an emotional response one has to an...

The Ancient Method That Could Boost Memory Ten-Fold>

The Ancient Method That Could Boost Memory Ten-Fold

The secret behind one of the most effective memorization techniques was discovered by Simonides of Ceos in 477 B.C. This...

Why You Should Take Cold Showers>

Why You Should Take Cold Showers

Cold showers, ice-bathing, and cryotherapy use cold water to impose stress on the body called hormesis. Hormesis forces an adaptive...

This Is Why You’re Always Tired And What You Can Do About It>

This Is Why You’re Always Tired And What You Can Do About It

Adult fatigue is becoming a...

How To Use Essential Oils To Lower Stress Levels

You’ve got an upcoming final at school, an important presentation at work,...

Why Women Need To Eat More Fats To Be Healthy And Lose Weight

The health and fitness industry has preached low-fat diets for so long...