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A Natural Guide For At-Home Health Care For Kids

Parents tend to worry about their kids constantly. It’s an especially tough challenge to see your child in pain in any way, even if it’s from something small like a stomachache or a scrape on the knee. As much as parents want to provide the safest environment possible, they will end up getting sick eventually. Fortunately, there are some ways to prepare for when the worst strikes.

There are many common health concerns that parents have for their kids, such as skin reactions, injuries, congestion from colds and allergies, as well as regular aches and pains.

Photo: Shutterstock/Jingjits Photography

Treating Skin Reactions or Injuries

When it comes to bug bites, rashes, sunburns, cuts, poison ivy, and other skin-related conditions, you need some other tools in your belt besides the standard band-aids you have. Here are more things you may want to try to have at the ready and why you may want them on hand:

  • Try a colloidal oatmeal bath to help soothe eczema, poison ivy, hives, and other inflamed skin.
  • Calm any chafing or sunburnt skin with lavender cream, coconut oil, or calendula.
  • Provide some moisture to sinuses and dry skin with a cool mist humidifier.
  • Apply binders with anti-microbial properties to the skin to remove tags and warts.
Photo: Shutterstock/Myroslava Mal

Helping With Congestion, Colds and Allergies

The cold season tends to spring up out of nowhere for kids, leading to quite a number of days where they may feel lousy. But here are some tips to help with the coughing, sore throats, sneezing, and overall congestion that your child may experience:

  • Use a Navage product or hand-held nebulizer to work on clearing their sinuses.
  • Go for a lymphatic massage from someone who’s licensed, and who may be able to provide you with ways to perform a smaller massage at home.
  • Make a natural application of lavender, lemon, peppermint, geranium, and melaleuca mixed with a carrier oil instead of cough drops.
  • Consider an herbal mix with olive oil that can work as drops to help with ear pain and get rid of bacteria.
  • Perform a gua sha remedy by scraping the congested area in the same direction for a few moments at a time. Gua sha can help with congestion and puffiness by increasing the circulation of your body fluids.
  • Clean your home filters for the air conditioner and furnace.
  • Eliminate items with strong scents like perfumes, candles, and cleaning sprays.
  • Think of having your child stay inside on high pollen count days and make sure to keep your pets well-groomed.
Photo: Shutterstock/S. Mahanantak

At-Home Kit For Pains and Aches

It’s not a bad idea to create a self-made emergency kit, where you can store some useful items to have around in something as a shoe box or ziplock bag. Here are some of the things you can keep in that kit:

  • Ice packs to alleviate pain relief or any swollen areas
  • Epsom salts for a soothing bath Use arnica cream, gel, or pellets to help with any bruises you may get.
  • PureWave, a massaging tool for soreness
  • Infrared heating pads, hot water bottle or microwaveable rice socks for pain relief
  • Essential oils like frankincense and peppermint for calming the body

In addition to the common day-to-day health concerns, there are also longer-term health challenges that you should be aware of such as lyme disease and glyphosate.

Photo: Shutterstock/CeltStudio

Lyme Disease and Tick Bites

Your kids probably play outside all of the time and run around in tall grass or wooded areas. They can end up getting bitten by a tick, which can lead to rashes, fever, fatigue, and other symptoms of Lyme Disease. Instead of forcing your little ones to stay indoors, you can look for the signs of a tick bite and remove them from your children’s skin.

Try as you might to stop it from happening, tick bites are always possible to end up happening. If someone gets bitten, you need to move quickly and follow these steps:

  • Remove the tick properly by grasping the head with tweezers, as close to the mouth as possible, avoiding the body.
  • Apply natural topical support on the wound site.
  • Save the tick so it can tested later, if you’re interested.
  • Boost your immune system, increase your energy with nutrition, and use natural herbs to fight against Lyme disease and other bacteria.
Photo: Shutterstock/The Toidi

What Is Glyphosate and Why Is It Harmful?

Glyphosate is a chemical that’s common in weed killers. People spray it on lawns, crops, sports fields, and just about everywhere to stop weeds from growing. Unfortunately, exposure to glyphosate can cause adverse health effects such as:

  • Interfering with the GABA neurotransmitter can lead to more anxiety.
  • Causing an erratic heartbeat or arrhythmia.
  • Impairing mitochondrial function, which can cause a loss in energy production.
  • Impeding healthy development by disrupting hormones.
  • Harming the kidneys by reducing antioxidants and vitamin D while increasing heavy metal toxicity.
  • Damage liver enzymes, interfering with liver function.
  • Increasing the risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and other malignancy risks.
  • Depleting minerals from binding to nutrients in the soil.

Thanks to The Detox Project and Health Research Institute Laboratories, you can get at-home test kits for glyphosate. You can test your food, water, and human samples — hair or urine — for glyphosate levels.


If you notice dangerous levels or something that concerns you, there are several ways to limit your children’s interaction with this chemical.

  • Care for your yard and garden in natural ways other than weed killers. Instead, try other at-home herbicides.
  • Use binders to remove these toxins from the body and replace them with minerals.
  • Eat organic foods because they don’t grow in soil with manufactured herbicides or contain harmful chemical sprays.
  • Drink distilled water to limit your exposure to glyphosate, as well as other toxins.