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How To Have Glowing Skin, Even After Menopause

Getting older is not an easy thing to deal with. Seeing wrinkles and the changes to our skin is tough to bear. It can be especially challenging for women because of menopause. Though it

Menopause is the period in a woman’s life that signals the end of her reproductive period. Although it is clinically defined as the moment when a woman’s menstrual period ends, the term can be used to refer to the time period right before, during, and after the ceasing of menstruation.

Once women reaches the age of 45, they typically begin to experience bodily changes that signal the beginning of menopause. There are cases where these changes are experienced before the age of 40, which is known as premature menopause. Premature menopause can result from radiation treatments, chemotherapy, autoimmune, or thyroid diseases.

Surgical menopause can also happen as a result of any surgery that fully removes the ovaries. When this occurs, all the symptoms that one would naturally feel over the course of several years from menopause are experienced immediately, making it very severe. Symptoms can include brain fog, mood swings, hot flashes, and memory loss.

Photo: Shutterstock/Ground Picture

The Three Phases of Menopause: Perimenopause, Menopause, and Post Menopause

Also referred to as menopause transition, this first phase typically lasts 7-10 years on average. It is also the stage where symptoms are experienced most intensely as a result of the extreme fluctuation in estrogen that takes place. The most profound change is that of the skin during this period.

Changes to the skin include:

  • Thinner skin
  • Loss of tone/change in texture
  • Loss of elasticity
  • Excessive dryness
  • Acne as a result of oil overproduction (no estrogen to regulate)

Menopause officially takes place during the second phase and lasts for a single day (every day after is post-menopause). It takes place on the day following exactly one full year of not having a period. At this phase the ovaries are no longer releasing eggs, nor is estrogen being produced.

As previously mentioned, post-menopause begins on the day that follows menopause and lasts till the end of your life. Yes, this third and final stage of menopause does comprise of the rest of your years on Earth. That being said, there is an opportunity to make the best of this period and improve your skin with the right skin care changes.

Photo: Shutterstock/Maridav

Menopause Skincare Products

Know this: changes in hormones result in changes in the skin. This is why your former skincare routine is no longer doing anything. Blame the hormones.


As you get older it will be increasingly important to find a hydrating moisturizer that aids with collagen production. You’ll want to find one that specifically focuses on improving skin elasticity and increasing skin density during the three stages of menopause. This is because production of collagen, the network that provides our skin’s structure, begins to dissipate the older we get.

Another one of the skin changes that can occur throughout Menopause is excessive dryness or oil. The key here is to look for gentler alpha-hydroxy acids that allow for non-abrasive exfoliation. Products with ingredients such as the ones are listed below:

  • Papain (from papaya)
  • Bromelain (from pineapples)
  • Lactic acid
  • Willow bark
Photo: Shutterstock/Halil ibrahim mescioglu

Skin and Food

Another way to make your skin look younger is through proper dieting. Studies show that foods with a high glycemic index such as dairy, white bread, and even watermelon can make the skin stickier and more likely to clog pores by changing the composition of the skin’s oil secretions.

Other foods to focus on are ones that reduce inflammation in the body that causes visible signs of aging. These foods as a whole benefit the body and therefore the skin as an indirect result. Here are some foods you can incorporate into your diet:

  • Cashews
  • Chickpeas
  • Leafy greens
  • Oysters
Photo: Shutterstock/Microgen

Boosting Collagen Through Facial Massages

Massage tools can serve as an effective way to nourish the skin from the inside out. Keep in mind that the purpose of massages is to increase circulation to foster better cellular function.

Studies show that stimulating the skin externally can play a role at the subdermal level, supporting cell turnover, removing waste, boosting collagen production, and ultimately improving overall skin health–all while feeling good. Therefore, using the proper massage tools can do wonders in enhancing the skin’s volume and elasticity while simultaneously reducing saggy skin.

When partaking in facial massages, no irritation, red marks, or skin abrasions should ever be allowed to take place–don’t overdo it.
