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How To Improve Sleep By Reducing EMFs

Getting better sleep is something everyone in the world is looking to do. More and more research continues to reveal that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) may be affecting our ability to get a good night’s sleep. This is particularly true if you are someone who is prone to being in front of a screen heavily on a daily basis.

Aside for the need we feel for it, sleep gives our brains the time to replenish and “clean” itself out. This is why sleep habits are often associated with focus, memory, hormone balance, and physical performance. Studies show that going a whole night without sleep is equivalent to functioning with a blood alcohol content level of 0.10 (the legal driving limit is 0.08 for reference).

Some issues affecting your good sleep may be due to EMF exposure. This article will cover ways in which you can prevent EMF exposure by discussing how EMFs affect sleep as a whole.

Photo: Shutterstock/SB Arts Media

How EMFs Disrupt Melatonin

If you’ve ever had trouble sleeping, you might have heard of a supplement called melatonin. It’s a sleep hormone that is naturally produced in the body and is the one that makes you feel sleepy. Melatonin also regulates your other sleep hormones, so it is vital that melatonin secretion is not disturbed if you aim to get a good night’s rest.

You want your body to release more melatonin when you’re ready to go to bed every single night, but if there is something hurting that secretion of melatonin, your sleep will suffer for it.

Unfortunately, EMF exposure does just that. Studies show that women who lived near highway power lines excreted more melatonin in their urine than those who lived further away from power lines. Moreover, electric utility workers showcased abnormally low levels of nighttime melatonin, most likely caused by their larger exposure to radiation.

Regardless of gender, studies have concluded that those exposed to EMF saw a decrease in sleep quality in comparison to the group with no exposure. Those who were overweight had a higher disruption in melatonin secretion when exposed to EMFs. Not only do EMF exposure result in lower sleep quality, but a study of a group of 132 people also saw that exposure increased risk of depression and anxiety. This is especially true for EMFs that emit low frequencies such as phone screens, television screens, and computers. These are often the items we find ourselves using right before we sleep.

Today’s technological advances means that we need to be mindful of EMF exposure just like any other environmental toxin. The next section will cover ways in which you can protect yourself from EMF exposure to improve the quality of your sleep.

Photo: Shutterstock/Africa Studio

Better Sleep Means Limiting EMFs

In theory, protecting against EMFs is easy: decrease your amount of screen time, by limiting the amount of time you’re on your phone and computer. Turning off your WiFi also has been recommended. Of course this is easier said than done. Not only is it easy to get into screen time habits before sleep, but many of us are not privileged to be in a situation where completely unplugging is a viable solution. Especially if you reside in a busy city where you are constantly surrounded by monitors or are employed in a job that restricts this.

In that case, it will best serve you well to get an EMF blocker. EMF blockers work to resist EMFs in a given area or convert them into a harmless form of radiation that won’t mess with your melatonin. One EMF blocker worth checking out is Comosystems. Place it on your EMF-emitting device or put it inside your home. Comosystems also include a product designed to be worn as a necklace that serves to continuously repel EMFs.

The danger behind EMF exposure is its quiet in nature, but in reality, they’re everywhere. In today’s society we are constantly behind a screen. Whether it is a job, taking an online class, or mindlessly scrolling through social media. As previously mentioned, all research showcases EMF exposure’s negative effect on sleep quality. For humans, sleep is our superpower. Without proper sleep, we fail to have optimal cognitive function, affecting our memory, attention, mood, and even longevity.
