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Key Minerals And Vitamins To Boost Metabolism

We’ve established thus far that there are a few methods to help your metabolism get boosted. Metabolism is the word that is typically paired with the terminologies like weight loss, diet, and exercise. But rarely this buzzword is thoroughly explained. This is one of the reasons why there are a lot of misconceptions and misinformation related to metabolism floating around.

Some define metabolism as a bodily process that is needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It’s the process that is of paramount importance to turn the food into the energy your body needs to survive. There is no denying that it’s one of the vital processes for living things.

The term “metabolism” encompasses various chemical processes that help you keep alive such as digesting food, repairing cells, and breathing. To put it simply, without metabolism you wouldn’t have that energy boost after eating your meal.

But when it comes to your basal metabolic rate, if you overload your body with minerals or you’re deficient in your mineral intake, your BMR will be impacted.

Photo: Shutterstock/DestinaDesign

The Importance Of Zinc and Other Minerals

When it comes to which minerals rank as the most important, zinc is at the top of the list.

Zinc is one of the most critical minerals your body needs to keep thyroid functions optimal. The mineral also does play a vital role in boosting your metabolic rate. However, more clinical research is required to back exactly the link between zinc and metabolic rate.

The next important mineral is iron. If not taken adequately, it can lower or decrease thyroid function which can lower your basal metabolic rate. It goes the same for magnesium deficiency in the body. That is to say, mineral deficiency can lead to several dietary issues and a lower metabolic rate is one of them.

More than 80 percent of people in the United States have a level of magnesium intake that isn’t ideal. For Zin of essential minerals including, magnesium, zinc, and potassium. Iron deficiency or its overload is another common problem.

Photo: Shutterstock/Elena Eryomenko

The Issues With The Standard American Diet

While Americans try to eat healthy, the Standard American Diet is the major problem when it comes to mineral deficiency in people. Quite frankly, people aren’t just eating foods that have high mineral levels. As refined grains, vegetable oils, and food that is processed is consumed, it leads to some real issues with the metabolic rate.

Remember that minerals such as selenium, calcium, and iodine are essential for keeping your organs functioning optimally. But when you suffer from mineral deficiency due to a poor diet regime, it lowers your metabolic rate.


You can also determine or understand the influence of minerals on your metabolism through a “calories in, calories out” standpoint. According to this perspective, deficiency of minerals in the body lowers metabolic rate and increases the chances of gaining weight.

For instance, if you follow the diets like “IIFYM” (If It Fits Your Macros), it allows a calculated intake of fats, proteins, and carbs. Though the diet helps you manage weight, it doesn’t take the role of minerals and circadian rhythm into account.

It also applies to the popular thought of just eating less and working out more approach.

Moreover, vitamin deficiency, along with minerals can also have severe implications on your health. Vitamin D levels in the body help determine the rate of your metabolic rate. This is perhaps the reason why you should improve your sunlight consumption, as we’ve discussed in a previous article.

And while it’s not completely proven yet, some hypothesize that in due time, the impact that mineral and vitamin deficiencies have on basal metabolic rate will be proven.
