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Why Women Gain Weight During Menopause (And How To Reverse It) – Part II

This is the second part in a three-part series on controlling some of the inevitable weight gain that can occur during menopause. In the first part, the biological processes that happened during menopause were discussed. This part will cover some of the eating habits you can adopt to prevent that weight gain from happening.

Photo: Shutterstock/Monkey Business Images

The Best Foods to Eat During Menopause

If you’re already using the Bulletproof diet, eating tons of veggies that are nutrient-dense, fats that are healthy, and good proteins, congrats, you’re doing great. However, as hormones change, you may need to eat different things so you can maintain your desired body weight.

Here are the some of the best ways to manage your weight through diet during perimenopause and menopause.

Photo: Shutterstock/Andrey_Popov

Use Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is when you don’t eat for a set amount of time each day between meals, allowing your body to fast and use your body fat for energy. This is a great way to help you keep those pounds off.

When you fast, the body uses the glucose that’s been stored up, and when there is nothing left, your body will start breaking down fats.

Intermittent fasting can have the following benefits:

  • Improving cellular repair
  • Boosting energy levels
  • Increasing life span
  • Improving cognitive functions
  • Lowering insulin resistance
  • Improving your mental and physical resilience

There are many different ways to fast, but fasting for 8-12 hours is the most common. Be mindful of how you feel, and only do it up to 5 days a week so it doesn’t become too taxing.

Photo: Shutterstock/sematadesign

Eat Less Protein, Avoid Snacking, Use Smaller Plates, and Consume That Collagen

Protein is good, but too much protein is converted to fat stores, which you don’t need. Therefore, you won’t need to eat a ton of protein anymore. About four ounces twice a day is more than enough, and you can even go days without protein, just continue to eat all of those delicious fats and vegetables.

Try not to snack, because when you do, your body uses insulin to reduce the rise of blood sugar levels. When you avoid snacking, the body will use fat stores. Plus, it can add extra calories that you might not need. Eat meals that include healthy fats, veggies, and some protein to stay full throughout the day.

Collagen powder is great for making your skin look supple and smooth, and keeps your nails and hair strong, which is vital for women as they go through menopause.

As you get older, you need less food since your metabolism begins to slow. Smaller plates help you eat less so that you stay the same weight. You’ll still feel satisfied, but with about a third less calories than what you’d normally consume.

Perimenopause does not treat everyone well. Some people in their 40s can still fit into the same jeans that they were wearing when they were in their 20s. However, then the weight gain starts. Your metabolism can slow and your hormones can go out of control. But you can learn what to eat to keep the weight off.

Photo: Shutterstock/PHILIPIMAGE

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

For breakfast, fasting is an option hydrating yourself with water infused with lemon and Himalayan salt. Though you can have Bulletproof Coffee and green tea. Around 10 am or so, you can have more green tea. Some people opt to not eat until around 1 pm, but be sure to exercise beforehand, which hydration will help with.  It’s important though that if you do this, you may need to eat. It can take a while for the body to adjust to fasting, especially if you exercise.

Lunch can consist of a plate with two-thirds vegetables, either a salad or fresh steamed veggies. You can add grass-fed butter for a dose of healthy fats. You may also want to eat some nuts as well if you plan to exercise during the afternoon. You can aim for a handful of them and a little serving of fish and meat.

This can also be paired with a carb such as white rice, butternut squash, or a sweet potato. Eating carbs will help you not feel tired, which could start happening during perimenopause.

For dinner, you may want to consider eating the same foods as lunch, which includes lots of vegetables, yogurt, and protein such as cheese.

Dessert once a week will help keep the weight off. Sorbet or mint tea with some honey is a good option. Sometimes, you may opt for coffee during the evening with a square or so of dark chocolate, but make aim not to eat it after 7:30pm so you’re not wide awake at night. Dark chocolate can feel less like a dessert because it’s great for your mood, and has antioxidants and polyphenols. But it’s probably best to only have a couple of squares and not a whole bar.

As humans, we are also programmed to eat at certain periods throughout the day. We try to eat before it gets too dark. If you live somewhere where it gets dark early in the winter, this can be a challenge. The best way to combat this is to eat an hour before the sun sets. Aim to have dinner a few hours before bed, so if you go to bed at 9pm, have dinner around 6pm.
