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Why You Should Protect Yourself From EMFs If You’re Trying To Get Pregnant

Every day, about three billion people are exposed to EMFs that are human-made. They are virtually impossible to avoid in the digital age. Your cell phone, computer, tablet, television, WiFi router, Bluetooth, and pretty much everything else that is powered by batteries or electricity emit EMFs.

EMF exposure in small doses is safe. Your cells actually function properly by the natural EMFs you get from the earth, which has its own electromagnetic field. The issue is that your body cannot tolerate the amount of EMFs that you are exposed to through technology in the modern world. The prevalence of WiFi, cell phones, and laptops in modern society makes it nearly difficult to avoid EMFs.

The good news is that with a few tricks, you can shield yourself against EMFs and reduce how much of them you absorb. EMF exposure should be kept to a minimum if you’re trying to get pregnant because they are a frequent (and often unrecognized) cause of infertility.

Here are some ways that EMFs affect infertility and how you can reduce your exposure to them.

Photo: Drobot

Fertility And EMFs

EMF exposure is not the only factor affecting fertility. Your diet, sleep, weight, level of activity, stress, drug usage, exposure to toxins and other pollutants, as well as other aspects of your surroundings and way of life, all play a role.

Researchers frequently refer to EMFs as “electro-pollution” or “electro-smog,” and they have an impact on both men and women. EMFs are classified as environmental contaminants.

Photo: Olesya

EMFs And Male Infertility

If you’re a man, you should be concerned about EMFs and fertility, particularly if you keep a cell phone close to your body.

Cell phone radiation decreases testosterone synthesis, reduces sperm motility, and alters the physical composition of sperm cells. It also raises testicular proteins linked to increased cancer risk and reproductive damage.

The EMF radiation from placing your laptop on your lap has a comparable impact on your sperm cells and hormone synthesis. Similar issues could be brought on by Bluetooth, WiFi, and other wireless sources of radiation.

Photo: Pastukh

EMFs And Female Infertility

The number of ovarian primordial follicles in women is one of the best indicators of fertility. All throughout your life, these follicles in your ovaries hold healthy, developing eggs that are released during ovulation. The more eggs your ovaries are storing in reserve, the more follicles you have.

According to a 2015 study, being exposed to EMFs causes follicles to shrink rapidly, effectively diminishing egg reserves more quickly than usual and decreasing your chances of getting pregnant.


Additionally, EMFs can still pose a risk even if you get pregnant. According to a 2016 study, exposure to EMFs increased the chance of spontaneous miscarriage in women in Tehran.

Photo: Rolenko

Hacks To Reduce Your EMF Exposure

EMF radiation is a daily occurrence unless you live in the woods and are completely cut off from technology. The good news is that you may reduce your exposure to EMFs by implementing a few easy tricks.

– Before going to bed, turn off the WiFi in your home.
– Avoid lying in bed with your phone near your head.
– Never place your laptop on your lap.
– Do not carry your cell phone on your body (i.e. pocket, bra, belt).
– When you’re not using your Bluetooth, turn it off.
– Establish a daily cap on screen time.
– Unplug all electronics and equipment when not in use.
– Set aside daily or weekly time without technology.
– Increase your time spent outside (nature is teeming with EMF-reducing negative ions).

Photo: Kuznetsova


Unless we all return to a pre-digital era, EMFs are a reality of modern life and are probably here to stay.

However, you may reduce your EMF exposure to the point where it has no effect on you by adopting a few simple habits. In particular, if you want to increase your fertility, use these hacks to reduce the amount of EMFs you’re exposed to in your daily life.
